Speech Sound Disorders

Articulation difficulties may stem from physical conditions like cerebral palsy, cleft palate, or hearing loss, as well as dental issues. However, most cases occur without any obvious physical cause and result from delayed or incorrect learning of speech sounds.

The earlier intervention begins, the easier it is to correct. Speech-language pathologists specialize in assessing and treating articulation issues, helping both children and adults improve speech clarity by refining the motor skills needed for accurate sound production.

3 Types of Speech Sound Disorders

These challenges can affect speech clarity, but with proper support, individuals of all ages improve their speech clarity, communication skills, and overall confidence.

Articulation Disorders:

Difficulty pronouncing specific sounds correctly, which may lead to speech that is unclear or difficult to understand. Typically, these children may just pronounce one of two phonemes (sounds) incorrectly. For example, a child that says “wed” for “red” or a child that has a lisp.

Motor Speech Disorders

Motor speech sound disorders encompass difficulties in producing speech sounds due to problems with the motor planning, programming, or execution of speech movements, and can include conditions like apraxia and dysarthria. These children are typically highly unintelligible, may have been late to begin talking and present with inconsistent errors.

Phonological Disorders

Patterns of sound errors that typically occur in early language development but persist beyond the expected age, leading to problems with the organization and use of sounds in speech. Examples of this could be front, where a child produces /t/ and /d/ for /k/ and /g/, such as “tat” for “cat”).

In Children – having difficulty pronouncing words correctly beyond the expected age. This may include trouble with specific sounds, substituting one sound for another, or difficulty being understood by others. Common types include articulation disorders (difficulty forming sounds) and phonological disorders (patterns of sound errors).

If a child’s speech is unclear after age 3–4 or they struggle with certain sounds past the typical developmental range, we can help. Speech therapy focuses on improving sound production, clarity, and confidence in communication. Early intervention can make a significant difference!

In Adults –  can result from lifelong articulation challenges, neurological conditions, or injuries such as strokes or traumatic brain injuries. These disorders may cause difficulty pronouncing certain sounds, slurred speech, or unclear articulation, impacting communication and confidence.

We work with adults to improve speech clarity through targeted exercises, muscle strengthening, and strategies for effective communication. Whether the issue is longstanding or newly developed, speech therapy can help adults speak more clearly and confidently in daily interactions.

Research: Speech Sound Development

This chart represents combined data from Sander (1972), Grunwell (1981), Smit et al. (1990) and Williamson (2010).

The left-hand edge of each horizontal bar represents the age at which 50% of children produce the particular consonant correctly and use it in their speech.

The right-hand edge or each bar represents the age at which 90% of children have mastered the use of the consonant in their speech.

Self-Directed Techniques

 Practice modeling by listening to the correct sound and repeating it.

 Use a mirror to observe your tongue and lip movements, adjusting them to match the correct pattern.

 Seek guidance from a speech-language pathologist if you need additional support.

For personalized guidance tailored to your specific needs, consult a speech-language pathologist.

We’re here to help! Contact us for more information or to schedule an assessment and treatment.