Our Services

“Maybe “independence” is a misleading concept.  Each of us is dependent on others.  Perhaps independence is not the ultimate goal, but interdependence:  the possibility of doing with and for each other, the ability to ask for the help that we each need.” -Bonnie Sherr Klein, from the book “Slow Dance”, 1997

Medical-Legal Assessments– Contact Jennifer Horton at Jennifer.horton@learcomm.ca or 905-667-1441.

At Lear Communication, we like our therapists to develop a high level of expertise. Our therapists have unique skill sets with individualized training using a variety of evidence-based approaches and certifications. We make sure that at Lear we have someone on staff that is specifically trained in all areas pertaining to communication that way when a client comes to Lear, they will be appropriately matched with a clinician.  We work with children and adults with difficulties in the following areas (click on each to learn more):

Wentworth-Halton Swallowing Clinic



Aquired Brain Injury

Parkinson’s Disease including Lee Silverman Voice Treatment

Voice Dysfunction – Adults

Voice Dysfunction – Children

Vocal Cord Dysfunction

Stuttering – Adults

Stuttering – Children

Preschool Speech and Language

Incorrect Articulation (e.g., difficulties with /s/, /r/, etc.)

Language-Based Learning Difficulties


We also provide meaningful and evidence-based practice in the following (handouts are in progress):

  • Transgender/ Voice training,
  • Accent modification therapy
  • Professional speaking, resumes and interviewing skills
  • Social skills training
  • Academic Support for learning, organization, memory & presentations



Technology has become an integral part of our clinical services at Lear Communication. While its usefulness varies client to client, technology can offer concrete help for some skills. We therefore offer Technology Support Packages to teach clients and their caregivers about options available to them:

Level 1: Introduction to Basic Features of the iPad and iPhone
Level 2: Review of Built-In Applications, Support Features and Settings
Level 3: Introduction and Facilitation of Goal- and Client-Specific Apps

Communication is a complex thing! In order to effectively understand, speak, read and write, we need intact muscles, intact language, intact thinking and intact social skills – no small feat!

Spheres of Communication


Difficulties may be present in just one area (e.g., aphasia after a stroke which just affects language) or in a combination of 2 or more areas (e.g., brain injury and learning disability which affect language and thinking and sometimes muscle movement too).

These difficulties may impact on just one area of communication (e.g., speaking) or on a combination of 2 or more areas (e.g., understanding and reading).

Speech-language pathologists help determine a) which factors are contributing to the difficulties and b) what their impact is on each area of communication.