More on Engineered Vocal Cord Tissue

  In November we posted information about an amazing breakthrough in creating vocal cords in a lab.  We recently came across a video that demonstrates the sound that can be produced – it may not be perfect voice, but it’s pretty darned good!  The...

3-Week Voice Course – Running in November

Our 3-week voice course is running in November!  While this course doesn’t replace 1:1 assessment and treatment, it certainly provides a tremendous overview of how the voice works and things you can try yourself to prevent damage.  See the flyer here and contact...

Have you heard of Vocal Cord Dysfunction?

This has been around for years and was previously called Paradoxical Vocal Fold Movement.  The word “paradoxical” was used because the vocal cords seem to behave in the opposite manner to which they should – they close when they should open.  This difficulty is often...

The Importance of Managing Reflux

Reflux is an uncomfortable condition for anyone experiencing it, but it can also lead to changes in voice production.  The acid can damage the tissue in the voice box, but even if the tissue is undamaged, the irritation can result in people changing how they use the...